Thursday, May 27, 2010
American idol winner crowned
DeWyze used to work as a paint salesman. Yet now that he has won a recording contract the 24-year-old might have plans to pursue a career in music like his american idol predecessors.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Circa Survive Releases New Album: Blue Sky Noise

Monday, May 24, 2010
Government takes action against oil spills
Congress is planning to quadruple a particular tax on oil, a move that would increase the tax to .32 cents, in an effort to raise an estimated $11 Billion over the next decade that would be used as money strictly to finance the clean up of potential oil spills.
As far as the recent oil spill is concerned however, President Barrack Obama is expecting BP (the oil company in charge of the oil and tanker that caused the spill) to front the bill to pick up their mess. Senate majority leader Henry Reid even went as far as openly saying "Taxpayers will not front the bill."
Congress is hoping to have a vote in the Senate this Wednesday and either make serious ground on the bill or pass the bill before they break into a legislative recess next weekend for Memorial Day.
Government is finally seeming to take action against oil spills and at least develop a plan on how to deal with these devastating events in the future. For now, the answer to who will clean up the merely 6 million gallons of crude oil dumped into the Gulf of Mexico is up in the air. But we can only hope that the government will continue to take action in the future as these events continue to occur and ravage the environment as well as economies of nations so dependent on the liquid gold.
Senior Prom
The venue, chosen only days after the classes Junior Prom last year, lived up to expectations. Although the trip to Groton was quite the hike, the room did not cease to impress. Compared to last years hall, a banquet facility called Menelee's, the room was so much larger. The high vaulted ceilings and chandeliers definitely lent itself to the majestic atmosphere that can only mean one thing: prom night.
This year's theme was "Arabian Nights". In order to accomplish this theme, the prom organizers set up mood lighting on the walls of the room in order to give the room an Arabian influence. According to prom committee chair Libby Fiumara, the senior class was supposed to receive genie lamps to be used as centerpieces for each table. However, apparently the centerpieces were on back order and therefore did not arrive in time for the May 22nd event. This was particularly frustrating especially since the prom committee ordered the lamps months ago.
Also adding to the "Arabian Nights" atmosphere, Senior Alon Cohen built and painted a back drop portraying the Taj Mahal that was used for pictures in a room off to the side of the main hall.
Surprisingly, the DJ played 4 or 5 slow songs compared to the ONE that was played at the class's Junior Prom last year.
Students seemed to enjoy this years prom and the night will surely go down as a night they will never forget.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Senior Outing a Success for Students
Overall, the Senior outing proved to be successful. With the beautiful weather and plenty of activities, the Seniors sure got a dose of what Summer 2010 beholds. I myself played some tennis and even tried my hand at mini golf. There were pony rides and basketball courts, soccer fields and a mess hall loaded with good things to eat. When asking students about what they felt, one replies, "It was fantastic! I loved getting out of school and enjoying the day with my friends!" However, others felt that it could it have been a little bit more entertaining. One says, "I thought this place was kind of lame." Well, in my eyes, I don't think that Holiday Hill had any downsides. Even if it was just a casual stroll down the paths, or a relaxing swim in the pool, or even an intense game of frisbee, (ok,mildly intense), the outing was really fun. I loved being out in the sun and hanging around with all of my friends on a day that could not have been more perfect.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Iron Man 2 review
This film was a spectacle of superhero greatness. The story followed Tony Stark, embracing his new superhero identity all the while as he makes the world a better place. But all is not well as Stark finds that the same battery he made to power his body and suit is the same one that's killing him. The element that the battery uses is makes his blood increasingly more toxic, and he's running out of it.To make matters worse, not only is Mr. Stark dying from the battery, he's got a new villain determined to kill him.
This movie delivers, rarely is there a dull moment in the twisting story. Nearly every scene is laced with humor as it either expresses Tony's "Don't-give-a-crap" attitude or the plans of the newly-introduced characters of S.H.I.E.L.D. even through many of the fight scenes I found myself laughing. The humor is spared wisely in more dramatic scenes that call for compassion rather than pumping adrenaline. These include the scenes where Stark tests the increasing toxicity of his blood or suffers from growing tension between him and his love, Pepper Potts, showing he is not indestructible.
Although it's hard for many people to say they can relate to a billionaire with a super suit made of iron that grants him the ability to fly among other things, I believe Tony was presented in a way where we could feel his pain. As mentioned before, the film shows how, despite being Iron Man, Tony Stark is not indestructible. This was something the first film seemed to lack, it didn't show any real personal struggles of Tony. This film however was able to present Tony more as a person rather than a superhero. This allowed the audience to feel more compassion and sorrow for Stark, he was no longer just Iron Man, he was a person just like them.
To my surprise, this film was not stuffed to its limits with fight scenes. I've found many of Marvel's recent films such as the bittersweet, "X-men Origins: Wolverine," to be driven by how beaten up the characters get rather than what things they learn or experience. This is not to say there were no fight scenes at all. The film had three major fight scenes, all of with were amazing, mastered with realistic special effects.
In short, Iron Man 2 surpasses it's predecessor. It interweaves a personal struggle with a superhero's duty. It features amzing feats of action, taking full advantage of the technology of today, and it leaves you laughing.
Rating: 4.5/5
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Harvard Discovers A Fake
Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone says, "This defendant's actions cheated those who competed honestly and fairly for admissions and for the scholarships that this defendant fraudently obtained." On the topic of plagiarism, Wheeler had previously submitted essays to Rhodes and Fulbright, two scholarship funds, however he soon found himself facing the authority. A professor that was in the process of reviewing applications took note of the essays and announced that he had seen similar material in the past. Further discrepancies were discovered. In the applications he filled out, he noted that he had been employed by McLean hospital which is a psychiatric facility belonging to the Harvard community. Officials quickly put two and two together and discovered that Wheeler had been fibbing about his employment as well. He had apparently plagiarized the admissions essays, written fraudulent letters of recommendation from the hospital and was reported for larceny, identity fraud and various other charges.
Wheeler's future academic career does not look too promising. After the prosecutors were notified that Wheeler had plagiarized the essays, the matter was in the hands of a Yale official who had interest in Wheeler's transfer application. Yale soon determined, as Harvard did, that Wheeler's applications were fake and that he had been convicted of identity fraud. The parents of Adam Wheeler told the Yale officials that their son's transcripts, essays, and employment information were all fake. Steven Sussman, Wheeler's lawyer for this case says, "Wheeler will have his day in court, and that day is not today."
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Chili Peppers Hit the Studio
Seniors Have Every Reason to Enjoy the Rest of the School Year
Game Review: Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition is a title that has been getting a notable amount of publicity in the video game world. However this attention is for less positive and more humiliating reasons. The title features a convoluted story, atrocious dialog, and audio and gameplay problems all stacked on top of a generally lack luster graphics engine. However, none of the aforementioned flaws stopped me from playing through the game and realizing that despite it's obvious limitations the game itself is enjoyable if you appreciate how humorously broken it is.
The story of deadly premonition revolves around homicide detective Francis York Morgan and his stay in the town of Greenvale, a small Midwest american town. As the story unfolds Morgan finds that the town houses an evil entity that manifests itself as red vines and produces evil "Shadow creatures" of the towns inhabitants. The majority of the game is split between investigating the town and speaking to it's quirky( to say the least) inhabitants and their role in the story. Both of these parts of the game can be very entertaining if you can get past the shoddy, linear level design and the lack of unique character models for enemies. On a design note, Deadly Premonition oftentimes operates in real time, meaning that time is accounted for as it is in real life, time in the game passes by at the same pace. This is both bad and good. The real time aspect is an interest injection of realism into the game, be it an unneeded one and is one of many strange quirks that make Deadly Premonition what it is.
This game is strange, be aware if you make the decision to purchase it for it's very affordable $20 price (Standard full scale games cost $60) be ready for one of the oddest and campiest experiences in all of video games. Giant dogs, zombies, mistranslations, completely incorrect audio swaps and cultural crossovers that are more disorienting than anything else, these are just a few of the numerous factors that make up the experience that is Deadly Premonition, but for twenty dollars this game is worth it. I can truly say that the saying "So bad it's good" applies perfectly to Deadly Premonition. From a technical standpoint this game couldn't be more off, but I would be a liar if I said I wasn't thoroughly entertained from beginning to end.
The Doors: When You're Strange Documentary a Success

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Music Review: Oceana: Clean Head EP

“Clean Head”, Oceana’s new EP released May 11th, is the groups first release since their apparent disbanding in 2009. The new songs are more in the vein of the groups post-rock sensibilities, often being spacey, abstract and more often than not instrumentally repetitive. While being repatative may seem like a bad thing, the band skillfully works the same chord progressions into parts of each of the four songs on the EP thematically linking it into almost one cohesive song.
The EP starts off and continues strong with “Blue” which effectively sets the tone for the next fifteen minutes of music. The guitar tone is loose and jangly and the band almost immediately makes use of odd time changes. These time changes are so strange and frequent that at first it is hard to really get a feel for where the song is going, however they are done so gracefully that they are almost relaxing in their fluency. The starts and stops all feel very natural , you can truly tell how much work the band put into making the songs aesthetically pleasing as opposed to being strange for strangeness sake. The guitar tone has an almost southern twang to it and is augmented by the spacey fills of the second guitar , reminiscent of both of the now defunct Alternative group “Paper Rival” and experimental rock group “Circa Survive”. The EP’s single “Wool God” has an inherent spookiness to it, that when combined with the accompanying bright drum beat makes for a disconcerting and yet emotionally grasping experience. This theme of being off putting and yet mysteriously attractive is extremely strong throughout the entire EP. Being a new listener to Oceana, I was thoroughly impressed by the EP and look forward to hearing the bands future endeavors.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Athletes Conquer the Average? New Study Proven

LPGA Golfer Found Dead at 25.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Lightning Kills 1 Man, Injures 3
Victim In Fatal I91 Accident Identified
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Human Emotions Decoded Through Development of New Software

Friday, May 7, 2010
Lions Lions Releases New Single
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Augmented Reality Becomes Virtual Phenomenon