Hailing from London, England, Lemon Jelly, an electro-downtempo duo consisting of members Nick Franglen and Fred Deakin, have created some of the most imaginitively profound stylings known to the electronica genre today. The twosome formed back in 1998 where they immediately began working on their first album entitled The Bath. From here, the dominating factor in many of their songs proved to be the illusionary, "mind trip" element that engaged audiences quickly. Lemon Jelly produced two other albums including The Yellow and The Midnight which were then collectively amalgamated onto the wide spread album Lemonjelly.ky. However, the duo's intention of this cd release was primarily to gain attention from the public by means of self promotion. This strangely enticing assortment of albums includes songs such as "His Majesty King Raam", "Nervous Tension" and the ambient groove "Come".
Franglen and Deakin continued their odd musical styling through producing a second studio album titled Lost Horizons in 2002. This album includes the vividly indulging "trip-infested" track, "Nice Weather for Ducks" in which many view as a frighteningly appealing result of excessive hallucinogenic drug use. This album won the Mercury Music Prize and upon receiving the British "Best Dance Act" had debunked the predetermined standards for electro-groove music. The iconic duo is recognized for thier futuristic visionary presence on stage, negating the generic, flashy pop-electro feel that are sweeping stages today. Their latest album, '64-'95 is regarded as one of their finest collections and includes a complimentary DVD package sporting the same title. The DVD contains colorful imagary to accompany songs and is deemed "progressive with ever changing variations of colour".
During their live performances, Lemon Jelly's eminency lies within the intrinsic engagement of the audience. Throughout the show, Franglen and Deakin will constantly gain audience involvement in a number of illustrious ways. The duo's most famous audience engagement performances include a massive game of Bingo, the distribution of candy as a charitable gesture and the projection viewing of British cartoons while the audience enjoyed their tasteful gig.
Lemon Jelly, although scarcely known throughout much of the United States has appeared in a number of Television programs and advertisements including CSI Miami and the "Hello Moto" commercial. This duo is also featured in the movies Space and 31 Days of Oscar. Surprisingly, Lemon Jelly's first three EP's were manufactured through vinyl and their cover layouts exhibit graphic designs with a vivid splash of the natural elements. The packaging for albums is actually a side studio founded by member Fred Deakin entiteld Airside.
Currently, the two members have split and claim that they are on a hiatus. They are interested in composing and carrying on with solo projects and will hopefully collaborate once again to create a sound that is "Oh so groovy."
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