On Friday, Robert Rodriguez released his newest film, "Machete". The idea for the film came from Rodriguez's "Grindhouse", in which "Machete" was a fake movie trailer
"It was great to make the trailer," said Rodriguez, "Usually fans would come up and ay ...'When are you going to make Machete?' because they had seen the trailer and just felt like it had already been made... And they would ask so consistently I finally had to
make it".
Make it he did. The film features Danny Trejo as Machete, a previously un-corruptible federal agent until his family was killed by the drug cartel. As he gets wound up in more
and more conflict, he becomes a soldier for a Mexican Revolution. Other stars in the film include Robert De Nero, Jessica Alba, Steven Seagal, and Michelle Rodriguez.
Although it sounds like a serious plot, "Machete" is just as over the top as films like "Grindhouse" or "Kill Bill". Through the use of excessive, mindless violence, fun acting, and Rodriguez's personal cinematic touch, a fantastic film is created. Trejo becomes a mobile slaughter-house throughout "Machete", slicing and shooting his way through dozens of enemies. It is a full serving of violence that is well-done and very enjoyable.
SEE IT: If you love a good hack and slash movie with very clean, professional cinematic
mastery. Also if you enjoy Robert Rodriguez's or Quentin Tarantino's work.
DON'T SEE IT: If you can't stomach watching Trejo swinging by a man's intestines from a fifth story window, or if you are
expecting oscar-worthy material.
(interview and additional sources provided by imdb.com and video.about.com)
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