Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hassle or Security?

This year all of the staff at RHAM are required to wear picture identification cards. It will have a picture of them, which was taken the Tuesday before school started, their name and their department. Mr. Leslie says that this is for safety reasons. It would make strangers more noticable. Also for new students it would make it easier to get to know your teachers. But teachers who know everyone might find this to be a hassle.

To see teacher and student feelings on this subject watch RHAM News for a follow up story.


RHAM News said...

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" Anybody know what movie(s) that's from? Good article. Looking forward to the news package.

Anonymous said...

My question is: Why are they making only the staff do this? Wouldn't it be safer to have all the students wear badges too?

sbaker2008 said...

rham news: blazing saddles.. good movie.

but about the badges, what prompted this? i don't recall ever having a major issue with people coming into the building - i'd be looking at students more than faculty.