Friday, September 19, 2008


When it comes to education, where exactly does one draw the line? The question has been raised, just how far does the school's hand of authority stretch? Many students feel they are safe from the authorities of the school across the street at Veteran's Park. However, this is not entirely true. According to Principal Scott Leslie, the school's power stretches to neighboring areas if illegal activity is being practiced that could disrupt the school environment. Off-campus illegal activities, such as drug use, are usually handled by the police. However, if the activity is taking place near the school campus, the school administration does have a responsibility to take disciplinary action. In response to the presence of drugs at RHAM, action is being taken. According to RHAM High School psychologist Doctor V. Curtis Hunter, the staff has been discussing a number of options including expanded drug testing. Stay tuned to RHAM News for future developments. Please leave your comments and opinions on this topic.

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