In Louisville Kentucky, one of the Health Care Programs has offered bicycles as a mode of transportation to get to work in a much more healthy manner. The company is named Humana and they allow employees to borrow bikes in order to provide a more "green" way to get to work or around the city every day. In Louisville, 2,500 people are registered in the bike program and many greatly benefit from the more environmental way they are able to get around. People can check out a bike from a local store and use it to commute, run personal errands or just ride for fun through the city. An interesting feature is that the bikes come with a built in navigation system which track how many miles the person has ridden. Dr. Jack Lord, Head of Innovations at Humana says he wants people to do things in their everyday lives that are healthy and fun. Well, bike riding is one solid solution.
What may come as a bit of a surprise about this company is that it is providing 1,000 bikes each to the Democratic and Republican conventions. Yet at political conventions in Denver Colorado, and Minneapolis Minnesota, only people who have registered for bike riding ahead of time can borrow them. When the conventions come to a stop, Lord says that the company will donate the majority of the bikes to the city for people to either sell or get use out of.
Hmm, who would have thought that in between all the events in the presidential campaign that bike riding would be involved?..
This is a great idea! Is there any news of a similar program being established closer to home?
I just read an article online, possibly at msnbc.com, about how the US and southern Europe are behind the rest of the Western nations in promoting bike use. Further, China and India are moving in the OPPOSITE direction, giving up bikes for cars as their middle classes grow. How many of you COULD ride bikes safely to school if you wanted to?
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