Thursday, November 13, 2008

College Prices Rise Yet Again

Bad news for all families with teenage children, the price of attending a state university rose again. According to, figures posted on Wednesday said that the prices for state universities rose another 6.4%.

James Boyle, president of the group College Parents of America said, "At a time of flattening wages, widespread job losses and shrinking home values, the last thing parents need is another big increase in the cost of college." This price increase is causing even more difficulties for families struggling to support college education costs.

But, there is some hope for slight help in the cost category. This is in the form of financial aid, grants, and scholarships. Many financial aids can help families greatly in their attempts to pay for a student's time in college. The sad truth about financial aid is that there is a high demand for the help from families and maybe become less and less existent.

According to The Courant, for those looking to attend college soon, all financial aid options should be considered before making a decision about where you do or do not want to attend college.

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