Rachel and Eric examine how food banks in Hebron and Marlborough provide assistance to families in today's difficult economy.
Monday, March 30, 2009
FEATURE STORY: Local Businesses Ride Out the Economy
Ben, Evan, and Adam from the Introduction to Video Production class talk to Hebron business owners about the impact of today's economy.
Deadline for GM and Chrysler
Source: MSNBC
Box Office Kings
1. Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)- $58.2 Million
2. The Haunting in Connecticut (2009)- $23 Million
3. Knowing (2009)- $14.7 Million
4. I Love You, Man (2009)- $12.6 Million
5. Duplicity (2009)- $7.56 Million
6. Race to Witch Mountain (2009)- $5.64 Million
7. 12 Rounds (2009)- $5.3 Million
8. Watchmen (2009)- $2.75 Million
9. Taken (2008/I)- $2.7 Million
10. The Last House on the Left (2009)- $2.61 Million
For more information, please visit http://www.imdb.com/
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Earth Hour 2009
At 8:30 this evening, individuals, towns, and cities across the globe turned off their power for one hour as a way to draw attention to climate change. According to CNN, 83 countries in 24 different time zones participated in the event. Perhaps one of the most visible signs of this event was the dimming of the lights surrounding Big Ben in London (see left). About 20 cities in China participated in the event, as well as the area around the Great Pyramids in Egypt, Niagra Falls, and the Eiffel Tower, among others.
This is the third year that Earth Hour has taken place. It started in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million people turned off their lights to call attention to climate change. It has since spread into a worldwide movement. This year's event was officially sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund. WWF CEO Carter Roberts reported to CNN that, "We think we are going to have 100 million people around the world sending a message that climate change is real, and we need to take action now."
For more information, please visit CNN or the Earth Hour website.
Image courtesy of www.cnn.com
Mock Trial Team Advances to Quarter Finals
RHAM's plaintiff trial was against the team from St. Bernard's. Kelly Moquin, acting as the plaintiff, provided realistic and convincing testimony that aided RHAM on its way to victory. In the post-trial analysis, the professional attorneys who acted as judges for the competition commented that both teams performed exceptionally well and had a commendable knowledge of the facts of the case.
After a brief recess, the RHAM defense team faced the plaintiff's team from East Lyme. After an extremely well-fought case, the court ruled in favor of the defense. The closing statement made by Nicholas Aubin, acting as an attorney for the defense, was a deciding factor in this trial.
The next round of competition will take place during the weekend of April 27th at a location to be named later. Stay tuned for further updates.
The Wizard of Oz
Friday, March 27, 2009
Play Costume Missing, Reward
UPDATE: The item has been found.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Another D-day?

On April 1st 2009, A deadly computer virus is set to strike again, except this time, it may be unstoppable. This virus usually hits once every few years, and each time growing in size, ands affecting more and more computers. This virus has been called, "Conficker C". This is the third version of "Confickers", and is said to be more powerful, incredibly complicated to fix, and could be unchangeable. In late 2008, the first version of Conficker hit 250 addresses a day, but Conficker C is expected hit anywhere from 50,000 to 60,000 addresses a day. What this virus does is it gives one master computer, or the control center, total control of all the computers it affects, in which case, may be over 30 million computers. It is not sure what will happen yet. The computers hard drive may be wiped out, personal information stolen ,or a computer zombie walking through your house. Although all the other viruses have been fixed, this one looks challenging. If engineers cannot find a cure by April 1st, we may be in for more than we think. But until then, make sure your computer is safe, run many virus checks, and beware of the Conficker virus.
Picture- http://www.ci.haverhill.ma.us/departments/EMA/pics/computerVirus.jpg
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
F-22 Crashes in California
Source: CNN
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Victory For Colbert

Monday, March 23, 2009
Florida Trip

Box Office Kings
1. Knowing (2009)- $24.8M
2.I Love You, Man (2009)- $18M
3.Duplicity (2009)- $14.4M
4.Race to Witch Mountain (2009)- $13M
5.Watchmen (2009)- $6.72M
6.The Last House on the Left (2009)- $5.92M
7.Taken (2008/I)- $4.1M
8.Slumdog Millionaire (2008)- $2.7M
9.Madea Goes to Jail (2009)- $2.51M
10.Coraline (2009)- $2.14M
For more information, please visit http://www.imdb.com/
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hollywood Pays Tribute to Fallen Star
The official autospy concluded that Richardson had died of "blunt impact to the head." In the wake of this tragic loss, the celebrities of Hollywood and Broadway alike have banded together in this time of sorrow. The Broadway theatres dimmed their lights before their performances last night in tribute to the fallen star. Hollywood stars like Helen Mirren, Sarah Jessica Parker, Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, Mathew Broderick, among others have given their condolences to Richardson's husband Liam Neeson and their two children.
Producers of Liam Neeson's current film "Chloe" have agreed to postpone shooting until Neeson is ready to return. Natasha Richardson appeared most notably in "Maid in Manhattan", "Asylum", "The Parent Trap," and other notable films. Our condolences go out to all those affected by this tragedy.
For more information, please visit http://www.imdb.com/
Thursday, March 19, 2009
RHAM Video Students at National Convention
The RHAM Video Production Club raised money to attend this event primarily through sales of RHAM concert DVDs. Some money was also raised through bake sales. Advertising on this site also supports the club.
This year's conference is attended by 1,250 students from 33 states and will continue until Saturday, 3/21.
More information on the Student Television Network is available at www.studenttelevision.com .
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bat Stowaway
Because the Kennedy Space Station is within close proximity to the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, it does not have high powered horns to scare wildlife away. As a result, this is not the first time that an animal has landed on a space shuttle. In 1998, a bat was noticed on top of a fuel tank just before take-off. However, this rodent was able to fly away as the engines ignited, saving itself from harm.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Obama Aims to Stop AIG Bonuses
Source: New York Times
Monday, March 16, 2009
RHAM Ski Club Takes a Trip to Smugglers' Notch

The RHAM ski club took a trip to Smugglers' Notch in Vermont on the weekend of March 13th. The mountain has 3 peaks; Moris, Madona and Sterling. The ski club joined other schools for 2 days of snowboarding and skiing. The ski club members left on Friday at 2:30 pm and did not return until 10:00 pm on Sunday evening. The students and teachers stayed in nearby condos. The chaperons for the trip were Mrs, Erlandsen, Mr. Linden, and Mrs. Bjorbekk, all RHAM teachers. The weather was sunny and the temperature was in the mid 50's. The conditions were icy on almost all the trails however all members of the ski club enjoyed their stay.
Box Office Kings
1. Race to Witch Mountain (2009)- $25M
2. Watchmen (2009)-$18.1M
3. The Last House on the Left (2009)- $14.7M
4. Taken (2008/I)- $6.65M
5. Madea Goes to Jail (2009)- $5.13M
6. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)- $5.03M
7. Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009)- $3.1M
8. He's Just Not That Into You (2009)- $2.9M
9. Coraline (2009)- $2.65M
10. Miss March (2009)- $2.35M
For more information, please visit http://www.imdb.com/
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hydrogen Gas Leak in space shuttle, launching again today
Hartford Courant Sunday March 16, 2008.
Rase in Cell-Phone only homes can distort health tracking
Friday, March 13, 2009

Chemistry Olympiad
Each participant took a 60 question multiple choice test and then each school joined forces to compete in a quiz round. The RHAM team took second place in this contest.
On the whole, RHAM students thought that the experience was beneficial. Junior Nick Aubin said, "It was a good experience because we got to learn things that we would learn in AP [Chemistry], should we choose to take that route."
For more information about the Chemistry Olympiad, please visit this site.
Board of Education Meeting
Video of the meeting will be aired on Comcast channel 95. Visit http://www.cvcct.org/ for schedules.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

"It's Like Cancer"
According to Courant.com, Papelbon had a lot to say. "He was on a different train! And you saw what happened with that. We got rid of him, and we moved on without him," Papelbon was quoted in the April issue of Esquire. The story was posted on the magazine's Web site Thursday.
"So Manny was tough for us," Papelbon added. "You have somebody like him, you know at any point in the ball game, he can dictate the outcome of the game. And for him not to be on the same page as the rest of the team was a killer, man! It just takes one guy to bring an entire team down, and that's exactly what was happening."
Papelbon was happy with the three team trade that the Red Sox participated in, because the outfielder they received in return has a great job fitting into the role he has been put in. Jason Bay, former Pirates outfielder, has done quite a great job replacing the hard hitting Ramirez in the Red Sox lineup.
Ramirez became a free agent after the past season, but just last week signed a 2 year, $45 million deal with the L.A Dodgers.
DECA Winners
Rob Diloreto - Automotive Services Series - 1st
Anthony Ditomasso - Marketing Management Series - 1st
Peter Goode & Brett St. John - Business Law & Ethics Team Management Event - 1st
Devin McMahon - Accounting Applications - 1st
John Rivosa - Buisiness One-on-One Series - 1st
Nick Snietka & Ryan Popper - Financial Services Team Management Event - 1st
Ted Alexander & Anders Blomquist - Travel & Tourism Team Management Event - 2nd
Joanna Michalski - Business Services Series - 2nd
Sean Hughes - Quick Serve Restaurant Series - 3rd
Sean Burns & Cameron Ware - Internet Marketing Team Management Event - 3rd
Kevin Trippel & Casey Zammetti - Buying & Merchandising Team Management - 3rd
Laura Reynolds - Business Services Series - Finalist
Andrew O'Loughlin - Automotive Services Series - Finalist
Mike Kearns - Automotive Services Series - Finalist
Matt Jonas - Marketing Management Series - Finalist
Eric Bourassa - Sports & Entertainment Series - Finalist
Krystine Carey - Restaurant & Food Service Management Series - Finalist
Ashley Desjardins - Apparel & Accessories Series - Finalist
Sean Goodwin - Accounting Applications Series - Finalist
Mike Trapp - Accounting Applications Series - Finalist
Kathryn Turlo - Accounting Applications Series - Finalist
Brittany Yeager - Hotel & Lodging Series - Finalist
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
China-U.S. Naval Incident in South China Sea
Regardless of the truth of either side's statements, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chinese Foreign Minster Yang Jiechi have met in Washington to avoid any escalation. Mrs. Clinton went on record to say that the U.S. and China must work together to prevent such encounters in the future.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Upcoming Purse Snatchers Show
The Purse Snatchers, a band made up of RHAM alumni Ian Fischer, Andrew Nuzzolilli, and Tom Mango will be playing at Wrench in the Works on March 27th. Wrench in the Works is located at 861 Main St. in Willimantic, CT. Other bands that will be playing include Bruhder, Saintseneca, Bombs Away, Old Hannah, Letters to the Moon, and Sinforiano Diaz. Tickets to the show are five dollars and a vegan potluck will be served.
RHAM News has reviewed the Purse Snatchers' EP "Liberty and Union". That review can be found here: http://rhamnews.blogspot.com/2009/01/purse-snatchers-liberty-and-union-music.html
Image courtesy of: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/Xionith/tps.jpg
Watchmen: Winning the Battle, losing the War.

Monday, March 9, 2009
Game Review: HALO War

From developer Ensemble Studios comes a game that brings the Halo universe back to what it was originally intended for. Halo Wars is the first Real Time Strategy Game to appear on a Console like the XBox 360. In Halo Wars instead of controlling just one man the player takes control of entire armies. The events of HALO Wars takes place 20 years before the first HALO and lead right up to the start of the first game.
Halo Wars is a game where if you don't like the genre of Real Time Strategy then its just not for you. As a Halo game though it lives up to the name. Twists and turns in the story line keep players guessing right to the end. I would give this game a 4 out of 5 overall. The replay value is very good.
image from xbox.com
Sunday, March 8, 2009
EPOCH Arts Show
3 illegal immagrants drown in a canal
15 People Hurt when an Elephant causes a Scaffolding to Collapse.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Play Review - Little Shop of Horrors

Friday, March 6, 2009
Fire in Berlin Badly Burns Woman
"She was burned on much of her body and had smoke inhalation," police Lt James Gosselin said at the scene. "She was found in the kitchen area of the home. Right now, we don't know what caused this."
Workmen repairing a roof of a nearby house were among the first to see signs of a fire. They reported seeing smoke coming out of the gable of the house at around 2:30. The men then told their clients to call for help and tried in desperation to make an attempt to get into the house, but the smoke was too much.
Rescue crews arrived and Bolin was airlifted to Bridgeport Hospital's burn center. Her condition was not yet determined.
UPDATE 3/7: Mrs. Bolin died of her injuries at Bridgeport Hospital.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Rec Basketball Tournament
Will America be Watching "Watchmen"?

Sudan Ejects Humanitarian NGOs
The move may be in response to the International Criminal Court, which issued an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir, who is charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Dump Truck Crash on I-84

Yesterday morning, a truck driver entered I-84 near Manchester without lowering his truck's bed. The bed caught on the bottom of an overhanging sign, yanking the truck into the air. The trucker, who was uninjured, was rescued about an hour later. No one else was hurt.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Help Wanted
If you are a RHAM student interested in television, or if you are considering majoring in communications, stop by Guidance and see if you can get one of the remaining seats in Broadcast Journalism for 2009-10.
Questions? Email rhamtv@yahoo.com .
Early Graduation
For more information, watch next week's edition of RHAM News.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Search Called Off
For more information, please visit http://www.cnn.com/
Popular Videogame Reaches One Billion Online Matches
Bungie points out in their news story that 64 millenia ago, there were no humans in Asia and Neanderthals still lived.
The billionth game, at 6:36 PM PST, was a 3:19 game of Infection on the Foundry map.