On April 1st 2009, A deadly computer virus is set to strike again, except this time, it may be unstoppable. This virus usually hits once every few years, and each time growing in size, ands affecting more and more computers. This virus has been called, "Conficker C". This is the third version of "Confickers", and is said to be more powerful, incredibly complicated to fix, and could be unchangeable. In late 2008, the first version of Conficker hit 250 addresses a day, but Conficker C is expected hit anywhere from 50,000 to 60,000 addresses a day. What this virus does is it gives one master computer, or the control center, total control of all the computers it affects, in which case, may be over 30 million computers. It is not sure what will happen yet. The computers hard drive may be wiped out, personal information stolen ,or a computer zombie walking through your house. Although all the other viruses have been fixed, this one looks challenging. If engineers cannot find a cure by April 1st, we may be in for more than we think. But until then, make sure your computer is safe, run many virus checks, and beware of the Conficker virus.
Picture- http://www.ci.haverhill.ma.us/departments/EMA/pics/computerVirus.jpg
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