Sunday, October 31, 2010
Connecticut Courts Offer New Online Payment For Tickets
According to, drivers who get Connecticut traffic tickets or criminal violation tickets can now pay their fines on their computers. Connecticut's Judicial Branch has recently brought their website up to date, so it could process payments online from credit cards. People can still continue to mail their payments in. Paying a ticket by mail or online is considered a plea of no contest, which the defendant doesn't fight the accusations being made against them. According to Judge Barbara Quinn, the chief court administrator, people can still petition the court over the charges being made and that the judicial branch's new online payment system doesn't take away any one's rights to challenge tickets.
UConn Student Killed In Crash
According to, a freshman at the University of Connecticut died in a one-car crash early Saturday morning. Jason Proteau, 18, of New Fairfield was driving along the Wilbur Cross Highway, when he lost control of his Honda Civic. According to state police, he was driving near exit 63 when he lost control of the car and hit a tree. Proteau died at the scene. The investigation of the crash by state police is still ongoing. To Proteau's father, Jacques Proteau, the time and location of the crash was confusing. Jacques said his son was supposed to meet family members at his grandmother's nursing home in Plymouth later on Saturday and that he usually drove a different route.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
World Series Matchup Set
Opposite of what most baseball analysts thought, it will not be the New York Yankees facing off against the Philadelphia Phillies in the World Series. Instead it will be the Texas Rangers representing the American League, and the San Francisco Giants coming from the National League. This will be Texas' first trip to the fall classic, and the fourth for San Francisco; they lost in their previous three trips.
Game one will be held in San Francisco on Wednesday at 7:57 pm. Both teams will have their aces on the mound. Cliff Lee will start for Texas, and the young Tim Lincecum for the Giants. Both will look to take an important 1-0 lead in the series.
My prediction is Rangers in 5 games.
Game one will be held in San Francisco on Wednesday at 7:57 pm. Both teams will have their aces on the mound. Cliff Lee will start for Texas, and the young Tim Lincecum for the Giants. Both will look to take an important 1-0 lead in the series.
My prediction is Rangers in 5 games.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Video Game Review- Fallout: New Vegas
When I played Fallout: New Vegas, I was skeptical. Fallout 3 was okay; it was good but I never really caught on to it. This new game looked like more of the same. When I played the game, I found I was right... partially. It's more of the same, but not in the way I expected.
The story has you playing as a courier taking a package to New Vegas when you are double crossed, shot, and buried alive. You are dug up and nursed back to health so you can learn why you were betrayed as well as the secrets behind what's really happening in New Vegas. The main story is good, but another draw to this game is the seemingly endless number of sidequests to keep you busy. It's easy to get off track, but that's a good thing.
The controls are the same as Fallout 3, so if you've played that game, it's easy to get back into the game. If you haven't, don't worry, the controls are relatively simple to learn. Sound is probably the best part of this game. The music is full of songs played over the in-game radio from the early 50's. It sets the atmosphere of the game and is nice to listen to. Graphics are okay; again, they're the same as the previous game, but this is also where the flaws start...
Although the graphics look good, the color palette is bland. I know it's supposed to look that way in the Wasteland since it's the aftermath of a nuclear war, but even in the city of New Vegas, in the areas where you'd expect to have a lot of vibrant colors (like Current Vegas), colors are dull and grayish. The game is also full of technical difficulties. Bugs and glitches plague the game just about everywhere, and gamefreezes are commonplace.
It's hard to review this game. Much of it feels great, like a step ahead of Fallout 3. The story, the gameplay, they all seem familiar, but at the same time upgraded. However, the technical problems with this game plus some other minor issues actually make it feel like a step back. However, you can still have a lot of fun with the game.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Runner Runner Music Review
Runner Runner is a group filled with talented musicians that haven't reached their full potential. I give this 3 track release a 2 star rating. This was just plain average and boring. I found the lyrics really unrelatable and they weren't catchy. They talked about love like a paper cut. It might have worked, but they couldn't get a point out. Their music was a pretty simple pop rock beat that most begining drummers can play and the other riffs were dull and not very musically interesting. I see alot of potential but its not there yet. The music was so predictable it was borring. It would get kind of soft and then build into a strummed chorus. There wasnt much excitement to it at all. If they want a hit they need to do something no one has thought of before.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Teen Killed In Warren, CT Pick-up Truck Collision
According to, one teenager was killed and another critically injured when their pick-up truck was hit by another car on Route 341 Wednesday morning. Bryan Mcbreairty, 18, of Warren and Julia Grosclaude, 17, of Goshen were traveling eastbound on Route 341 around 8:05 am when Mcbreairty attempted to make a left turn into the entrance of 25 Kent Road. At the same time, the truck in the back of them allegedly tried to pass on the left struck the pick-up, causing it to roll. Both Mcbreairty and Grosclaude were thrown out of the vehicle. Mcbreairty was declared dead at the scene and Grosclaude was flown to Saint Francis Hospital, where she was treated for back and head injuries. George Hetson, 59, of Kent, the driver of the other truck, was taken to New Milford Hospital and was later discharged. Police are still investigating this accident.
Google Stock Comes Back up to $600

On Friday, October 15th, Google stock rose back up to $600 for the first time in nine months. Google has reported a 32% increase in profits now that is it using stronger search ad fees from advertisers.
Many investors thought that Google would not make money outside of advertisements, but they have been proved wrong. Google's Android smart phone has risen to the second most popular smart phone on the market. The phone will be responsible for 17.7% of the cellular phone market by the end of the year.
Google says it does about $1 billion in sales of advertisements per year, and it may go up due to new features like Google's new "instant search". Its stock looks like it will stay on the upswing, although it is still not close to its all-time high in stock of $747.24.
(story courtesy of
Concert Review: Roger Waters plays Pink Floyd's "The Wall"

On Friday night, October 15, Roger Waters, the original bassist, lyricist, and co-vocalist of the famous psychedelic band "Pink Floyd", visited Connecticut's Hartford XL Center. He sat down and played on of the greatest albums of all time, "The Wall". The album is known as one of the most complete, meaningful albums in music history. Each of its songs intertwine into the creation of a symbolic "wall" to separate Waters from the society that he can't seem to fit in to.
Roger Waters played with a full band throughout the show which had its ups and downs. On the bright side, when thumping hit came on like "Another Brick in the Wall" the entire stadium was enthralled with the sound quality and fullness of the music. Unfortunately, there were times where the presence of the other living Pink Floyd members would have been much more of a true Floyd experience. Once in awhile, Waters would not even be singing or playing; his band an another vocalist would carry on other parts of the song.
What overshadowed that downside, however, was the mind-blowing visual creation of the show. There were explosions of sparks and fireworks, giant puppets of pigs and teachers flying over crowd, and throughout the entire show, various stagehands were on cranes placing brick by brick of a giant wall 150 feet wide and 50 feet tall across the stage. On the wall there were projections of graphics, cartoons, and original video footage and loads of anti-war sentiment. It was an extraordinary sight; a concert experience that is truly amazing. There seemed to be a lot of effort put into every corner of the show; for example in "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2", there was an entire chorus of local schoolchildren brought out to sing the chorus.
Overall, Roger Waters put on a phenomenal show that any Pink Floyd fan should go to. It feels a little empty without the original members of Pink Floyd, but that doesn't mean it is not a fantastic show.
Two Shot In Hamden While Foiling Robbery
According to, the Hamden police discovered two men who had been shot trying to foil a robbery. After answering to a report of shots being shot on Saturday night, Hamden police went to 61 First Street at 8:30 pm and they found two wounded men. One was shot in the chin and the other grazed in the head with a bullet, according to Hamden police. The two men told police they had encountered by two men; one was a Hispanic male, who had a weapon and demanded the victims' belongings. Police said that when the two men tried to defend themselves, they were shot. The victims were both taken to Yale-New Haven Hospital. According to police on Sunday, they were not giving out the victims names, while they were conducting an investigation on the attackers.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Guidance to Host Colleges During October and November
The RHAM Guidance department will play host to many colleges during October and November. Salve Regina University already visited on the 7th. College of Saint Rose, High Point and St. Michael's also visited the following day.
CCSU will come to RHAM on Monday the 18th. Followed by Post University, who will visit RHAM the following Monday. Lyndon State College, University of Bridgeport, BayPath College and the University of Scranton will also be coming to RHAM in October.
In November Franklin Pierce University, St. Anslem College, University of New Haven, Southern Vermont and Western New England will pay visits as well. For the dates and time of each college's visit and more information go to the high school's website and click on the College Visit Calendar link.
CCSU will come to RHAM on Monday the 18th. Followed by Post University, who will visit RHAM the following Monday. Lyndon State College, University of Bridgeport, BayPath College and the University of Scranton will also be coming to RHAM in October.
In November Franklin Pierce University, St. Anslem College, University of New Haven, Southern Vermont and Western New England will pay visits as well. For the dates and time of each college's visit and more information go to the high school's website and click on the College Visit Calendar link.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Alex Sanclamente
Alex Sanclamente, a computer technician at Smart Computer Repair in Marlborough, at first seemed to shy away from the idea of having an on camera interview with myself and my partner Brendan Donahue, however, was more than pleased to have an off the camera discussion as to how he started his business.
Sanclamente was born in Columbia, where he is known as a proffesional chess player. Sanclamente described the condition of Columbia to be very impoverished, and he could see no way out of those conditions himself and for his family. Sanclemente, seeking better fortunes, eventually decided that the Untied Sates held better opportunities for his newly started family and chose to move, leaving his reputation as a chess player behind. Once in the United States sanclamente began working as a janitor at an office building, where hard work and pure luck lead him to be noticed by the vice president of the company. Speaking little english, Sanclamente showed the VP his intelligence in the only way he could, by playing chess. The VP, seeing sanclamente's intellectual potential, sent him Central Connecticut State University where he received outstanding marks in every class that he took. Sanclamente's GPA upon graduating was so high that he was interviewed in-front of over 10,000 people on how he received such amazing marks. Sanclamente attributed his high marks to extremely hard work, and a strong desire to learn more. Sanclamente would wake up at four thirty a.m. to do school work, go to class, and the go to work, not coming home until after midnight on many occasions.
After getting his bachelors degree at CCSU Sanclamente worked as a mailman, where he slowly began to build a relationship with the people in the town of Marlborough. During his time as a mail man sanclamente worked towards his goal of opening a computer repair shop. After saving enough money and gaining the trust of the people in the town, he started his business with his wife. Sanclamente said "If I had started my business before I had worked as a mailman, then noone would trust me. I have an accent, I am foreign, but now the people will recognize me and trust me to fix their computers." Sanclamente's truly inspiring story is testament to how hard work and a little ingenuity can pay off.
Sanclamente was born in Columbia, where he is known as a proffesional chess player. Sanclamente described the condition of Columbia to be very impoverished, and he could see no way out of those conditions himself and for his family. Sanclemente, seeking better fortunes, eventually decided that the Untied Sates held better opportunities for his newly started family and chose to move, leaving his reputation as a chess player behind. Once in the United States sanclamente began working as a janitor at an office building, where hard work and pure luck lead him to be noticed by the vice president of the company. Speaking little english, Sanclamente showed the VP his intelligence in the only way he could, by playing chess. The VP, seeing sanclamente's intellectual potential, sent him Central Connecticut State University where he received outstanding marks in every class that he took. Sanclamente's GPA upon graduating was so high that he was interviewed in-front of over 10,000 people on how he received such amazing marks. Sanclamente attributed his high marks to extremely hard work, and a strong desire to learn more. Sanclamente would wake up at four thirty a.m. to do school work, go to class, and the go to work, not coming home until after midnight on many occasions.
After getting his bachelors degree at CCSU Sanclamente worked as a mailman, where he slowly began to build a relationship with the people in the town of Marlborough. During his time as a mail man sanclamente worked towards his goal of opening a computer repair shop. After saving enough money and gaining the trust of the people in the town, he started his business with his wife. Sanclamente said "If I had started my business before I had worked as a mailman, then noone would trust me. I have an accent, I am foreign, but now the people will recognize me and trust me to fix their computers." Sanclamente's truly inspiring story is testament to how hard work and a little ingenuity can pay off.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Plane With Throttle Problem Lands Safely At Bradley
According to, a small aircraft that was scheduled to land at Hartford's Brainard Airport had to make an emergency landing at Bradley International airport late Sunday morning. The small aircraft, carrying three people, changed its destination from Brainard Airport in Hartford to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks around 11:30 am on Sunday, according to Bradley Airport communications. State Police said it was a Piper-type plane that stated they were having a problem with the aircraft's throttle. The plane landed safely at Bradley Airport and no one aboard the aircraft was injured.
Farmington Police Respond to Fatal Crash on Route 4 in Farmington

According to on Sunday morning, a woman was driving her sedan and then she slammed into a dump truck head-on on Route 4 in Farmington. The woman driving the sedan was killed in the accident. The driver of the dump truck was reported to have minor injuries. The woman driving the sedan was taken to John Dempsey Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The road was closed until around 3 pm between High Street and Interstate 84 exit, ramp 39, so the police could investigate.
-photo provided by
Film Editor of Tarantino Dies at 56

The film editor of famed director Quentin Tarantino, Sally Menke, was found dead on Tuesday morning, October 12th. After going out hiking with her dog on Monday in Bronson Canyon, there was no sign of her return. Friends alerted the police and hours of searching began. Her body was later found at the bottom of a ravine, her dog still alive. It is not known whether the extreme heat of the day was a factor of her death or not, and there did not appear to be a jump in deaths on Monday. Expert opinions say that Menke most likely became disoriented and collapsed, the heat contributing to her death. Menke worked on films such as "Pulp Fiction", "Kill Bill", and "Jackie Brown".
(story courtesy of the LA Times)
"It's Kind of a Funny Story" Movie Preview

On October 8th, the film "It's Kind of a Funny Story" was released into theaters nation-wide. RHAM News was sent an exclusive electronic press kit to the film that includes trailers, film clips, soundbites, and b-roll.
From the materials sent, "It's Kind of a Funny Story" seems like a decent film. It is not Oscar material, yet it has its strengths. Starring Keir Gilchrist, Zach Galifianakis, and Emma Roberts, it is a story about a clinically depressed teenager (Gilchrist) checking himself into an adult psychiatric ward to get a new start. Along the way there are many laughs, life lessons, and romance. After watching many film clips, the acting in the film seems to be on-and-off. Galifianakis and Roberts seem strong as usual, however the less known Gilchrist comes off a little weak and unbelievable. He does a fine job acting his part, however the performance does not drag the viewer in. Besides the acting, all of the scenes feel a little drawn-out and slow on tempo; it seems like what is trying to be a witty psychiatric comedy is too sluggish in moving along.
As for the technical aspects, "It's Kind of a Funny Story" is shot very much like an independent film. The cinematography has the indie look to it, using very shallow depth of field and more artistic angles. Like many independents out today, there is a low-budget, raw feel to the film. This can be further seen when watching the b-roll, where there is a very minimal crew (2 film camera operators, two sound recordists, 2 camera assistants) along side directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck (Half Nelson, Sugar). Overall, the technical side of the movie seems solid.
As a whole, It's Kind of a Funny Story seems like it will be an enjoyable watch with a unique storyline and fun moments. The acting and pacing may keep it from having Oscar potential, but it will most likely still hold up in the box office with interest from adult viewers.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Neon Trees "Habits" Album review
Neon Trees is a rock band hailing from Provo Utah. They consist of Chris Allen on guitar, Branden Campbell on bass, Elaine Bradley on drums and vocals, and Tyler Glenn(who has been writing music since he was six) on lead vocals and keyboards.
Their style is unique, it brings multiple genres together in an energetic blend of noise. They describe their music "wouldn't sound out of place at any point from '60s garage-rock to 2010 dance rock." It's an accurate description, their music has a type of psychedelic atmosphere that bears resemblance to acid rock bands of the '60s and '70s. It is reminiscent in itsreferences to late '70s disco with easy beats to dance to. The lyrics cry with angst I know so well from early '90s grunge, and the electric sound seems to mark them as one of the bands fueling the increasing popularity of modern dance.
I personally was very impressed with the band's bassist, Branden Campbell. He used the instrument to a degree more than most other players do. For example, the song, "Girls and Boys in School" is strengthened by a heavey-treble bassline that makes a good song a great song
One minor weakness I find in their music is the consistency in their songs. Though they vary in their meanings and themes, they all seem to be presented with the same sound. That's not to say all their songs sound the same, but rather, they all have a consistent feel to them. They're all energetic, some more than others. Yet, they use energy well, they're good at what they do. It definitely won't make you dislike the band, but don't expect a emotional roller coaster.
All in all, the album is a success, an energetic venting of teenage woes with an ultimately pleasant outcome.
4 out of 5
Their style is unique, it brings multiple genres together in an energetic blend of noise. They describe their music "wouldn't sound out of place at any point from '60s garage-rock to 2010 dance rock." It's an accurate description, their music has a type of psychedelic atmosphere that bears resemblance to acid rock bands of the '60s and '70s. It is reminiscent in itsreferences to late '70s disco with easy beats to dance to. The lyrics cry with angst I know so well from early '90s grunge, and the electric sound seems to mark them as one of the bands fueling the increasing popularity of modern dance.
I personally was very impressed with the band's bassist, Branden Campbell. He used the instrument to a degree more than most other players do. For example, the song, "Girls and Boys in School" is strengthened by a heavey-treble bassline that makes a good song a great song
One minor weakness I find in their music is the consistency in their songs. Though they vary in their meanings and themes, they all seem to be presented with the same sound. That's not to say all their songs sound the same, but rather, they all have a consistent feel to them. They're all energetic, some more than others. Yet, they use energy well, they're good at what they do. It definitely won't make you dislike the band, but don't expect a emotional roller coaster.
All in all, the album is a success, an energetic venting of teenage woes with an ultimately pleasant outcome.
4 out of 5
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Man Falls From Roof in Vernon
According to, a man who was doing maintenance on his roof fell about 15 to 20 feet around 11:30 am on Saturday. When police arrived at the house, the man was awake and responsive, but his condition appeared to decline as he was taken to Hartford Hospital by Lifestar helicopter. The house is a single family home on the Hartford Turnpike along Route 30. Police haven't yet released the man's name or age.
Bridgeport Resident Killed in Motor Vehicle Accident
According to, a man from Bridgeport was killed in a car accident in Shelton on Sunday. 32-year-old Kelvin Sanchez of 552 Atlantic Avenue in Bridgeport was operating his 1998 Volvo on Route 8 northbound in Shelton when state police say his vehicle traveled into the right lane and up a hill around 4:30 am on Sunday. Police say that the car Sanchez was driving at a high speed and then became airborne. After it became airborne, the car crashed into a light pole and several trees. The Volvo landed on Route 8 and stopped in the right lane and turned in the eastern direction. Sanchez was brought to Bridgeport Hospital where he died from the injuries. This car crash is still under investigation by State Police Troop I. Anyone who has information about the car accident are requested to call Trooper Eileen Perchinski at 203-393-4200.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Music Review: Teenage Dream Album, Katy Perry

This is Katty Perrys second album and I was blown away by it. I give this album 4.5 out of 5 stars. From the time I hit play to the time it was over I was tapping my foot and bobbing my head. At some points I wanted to get up and dance. She has outdone herself. She is a gifted singer and lyricist. I was very impressed with her lyrics in "Pearl". She alludes to the Illiad when she refers to the face that launched a thousand ships. Her lyrics are also very catchy and by the last chorus I was singing along. The music itself is mostly made up of a decending 4 chord progression. It may be very simple but its very catchy. The rythems switch between a club beat and a rock beat. Her album includes a multitude of up tempo songs but when she switches to a ballad, it is just as good. The tracks on this album include:
1. Teenage Dream
2. Last Friday Night[T.G.I.F]
3. California Gurls feat. Snoop Dogg
4. Fireworks
5. Peacock
6. Circle The Drain
7. The One That Got Away
8. E.T.
9. Who Am I Living For?
10. Pearl
11. Hummingbird Heartbeat
12. Not Like The Movies
This album also comes with two surprise tracks at the end. This album is out and available in stores. I recomend you find a way to listen to Perry's musical genius.
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