Monday, November 17, 2008

Game Reveiw: Tom Clancy's ENDWAR

Based on a book by the New York Time's best selling author Tom Clancy comes a revolutionary war game. Set in the year 2020 - 3 years after terrorists have knocked out the Saudi Arabian's oil supply - the nations of Europe have joined together to create the European Federation and Russia has returned to power. These and other world events have pushed the worlds supper powers into WW3. The player takes command of one of the three factions/armies and moves to take control of the world. Combining what is known as real time strategy and the new voice command software the game moves as fast as you can make the next move. Troops can be deployed, moved, and told to attack the enemy by simply pressing a button and speaking an order into the XBOX 360 microphone or PlayStation 3 microphone. I feel that this game is a step ahead of the rest and I would give it a 9 out of 10 for great graphics and a fun experience. The story certanly makes you think.....WHAT IF?

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