Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Al-Qaida Leader is Killed

The recognized Middle-Eastern terrorist group Al-Qaida announced Monday that the U.S. war effort has killed its No. 3 man along with members of his family. This is considered one of the U.S.'s largest victories against the notorious group since the U.S. waged war against terror in response to Al-Qaida's terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

The terrorist, Mustafa al-Yazid, allegedly was taken out my an American missile strike. The Al-Qaida website has declared the major terrorist leader dead along with his wife, three daughters, a grandchild, and other family friends.

The news of the death has already sent a spark through the region and is being noted by various other terrorist groups and organizations around the world.

The U.S. predicts the death of al-Yazid will cause major damage to the leadership of Al-Qaida, as they also lost a major member this past December.

Reportedly killed in 2008, Yazid has been on the United States hit list of the "Drone Campaign" ever since Barrack Obama took office last year.

Yazid, 55, had more than 30 years of experience with terrorist groups and is considered one of the main founders of Al-Qaida.

The United States are very excited about what the terrorist organizations lost of a crucial member will mean to there operations as a whole.

"He definitely seemed to have significant influence among the Pakistani Taliban and Central Asian terrorist groups," terrorism expert Evan Kohlman said.

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