Thursday, November 4, 2010

Red Dead Redemption DLC Review: Undead Nighmare

Rockstar Games has recently released their highly anticipated downloadable content story : Undead Nightmare. The new "alternate-ending" type story follows former outlaw John Marston as he tries to cleanse the Wild West of a recent outbreak of zombies.

I didn't know what to expect coming into the game, after playing the original story of Red Dead, I had my theories to what the game was actually going to be. I paid the $9.99 , the rate for 800 Microsoft points and waited , meanwhile watching trailers for the game. I was immediately launched into the story, watching John Marston kill his uncle and hogtie his wife and son, who I had learned to love in the last game, was a genius start to the story, and believe it or not, the writers at Rockstar Games somehow incorporated some humor into the biting and graphic scene. I now rode my noble steed into the unknown, encountering hoardes of zombies, and cleansing graveyards. I couln't help but think, this game is awesome.

Overall, the way you play the game is the same as the original story in Red Dea , fans will enjoy recalling familiar scenery, and talking to familiar faces like Nigel West Dickens and the grave digging maniac Seth Briars. The graphics are improved, there's more blood and more gore. The story is delightfully cliche, cheesy and full of Marstons wit and profanity. Ten dollars is a low price if you enjoy slaughtering crowds of zombies salivating for human flesh or you just want to enjoy and interact with a decently written horror story. I give this DLC a 5/5.

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