Monday, October 6, 2008


With the debates in full swing and presidential elections approaching fast we'd like to hear from you. What do you think about the candidates? Post your comments below.

(These private opinions do not reflect the official views or positions of Regional District 8. Comments that are offensive, insensitive, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate for a school setting will not be allowed.)

1 comment:

Mike said...

In my opinion, John McCain is the wrong choice for President of the United States. While he has been praised for his military service in Vietnam, this is hardly a reason to elect a man for president. In a choice between a misguided war veteran and an intelligent lawyer, I would invariably choose the latter. Despite the fact that he was tortured in Vietnam, McCain voted “no” on a bill that would ban waterboarding as an “interrogation” technique in American-controlled prisons.

Over the past eight years, the American people have been treated to the unjust and failed policies of George Bush and Co. The Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, laissez-faire economic policy, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars are among them. Each of these policies and acts has either failed in what it intended to do, or it has had a blatantly misguided purpose from the start.

Seeing as McCain has voted for Bush policies such as these 90% of the time, I think that if elected, he will merely continue Bush’s ideas. This is not to say that Obama is the perfect choice. He also voted for No Child Left Behind when it was presented to the Congress. While Obama pledges to get the troops out of Iraq within 16 months of being elected, he doesn’t plan to keep them home. He has called for an additional two to three brigades of American troops to be added in Afghanistan. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

However, I do support Barack Obama for president as the lesser of the two evils.