Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bigger Faster Stronger for RHAM Atheletes

Last Friday and Saturday, Rham atheletes were taught how to use the Bigger Faster Stronger program. This covered flexability, running, weight lifting, and nutrition. Atheletes learned proper forms for stretching using the 1, 2, 3, 4 method. They covered proper running technique and the dot drill. They also were taught how to lift safely and for the most gain. Lastly they covered nutrition which talked about the five lethal foods, rest, hydration, and getting in thos fruits and vegitables. What makes this system unique is that it has the athelete keep records. You keep track of the weight you lifted for lifts and you keep track of your vertical jump, your dot drill speed, your long jump, your 20 yard dash, your 40 yard dash, and your sit and reach. as you look back you can see your result and how you have progressed. "Today I Win." At the very end, the instructer told the atheletes about this boy who was doomed to die and he wrote these three words and got better. His team took after his lead and went from a losing season to an undefeated season. It shows that determination will help you suceed. The last thing they learned was determination and hopefully with this new program all the RHAM teams will see improvements in their future seasons.

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