Thursday, March 24, 2011

NATO takes over Libya no-fly zone

Thursday, NATO officially stated it will take control of the no-fly zone over Libya from the U.S. NATO has been in a dispute about whether or not to take charge of the no-fly zone to enforce the UN's resolution for Libya. The U.S. initially took the lead role in enforcing the no-fly zone but they have stated that they wish to hand over the responsibility as soon as possible. Right now half of the 350 aircraft and 12 of the 38 ships, that are being used to enforce the no-fly zone, are from the U.S. The U.S. has expressed its efforts to not be the leading force in the enforcement due to political criticism. A main concern for the operation is the lives of innocent civilians in the areas of the enforcement on the ground. But NATO is doing everything to limit and prevent civilians from being injured. NATO will take over the operation's missions possibility as soon as this weekend. Sources: BBC

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