Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Third Palestinian Intifada" Page Cut from Facebook

A high-profile Israel appeal called for the "Third Palestinian Intifada" page to be removed from facebook. When it was taken down it had 350,000 fans. Facebook said the page originally started as a peaceful protest, but as the page grew more popular the comments deteriorated to calls for violence. Facebook's content regulations state that it prohibits the posting of material that promotes violence directed at a particular group, including those based on religion or nationality. As "Facebook Revolutions" helps to bring down regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, the social netoworking site has become a more powerful politcial tool. This leaves Facebook with a greater responsibility. The content on the site will not just endanger people, but the site itself. The growing involvement in politics has people crying out for government regulation. If Mark Zuckerberg would like to remain in sole control of his site, he should watch out for the pages popping up on Facebook. -Associated Press

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