Thursday, October 23, 2008

Freshmen Elections

All the votes for Freshmen officers must be in by October 31st. The speeches that each candiate had prepared were shown in English classes via Powerpoint presentations. The presentations were viewed without the names on them so that this election would not be a popularity contest. After time for reflection, the students were told which candidate wrote which speech. This gave the students the choice to either choose who they thought was the best for the job or who was the most popular.

The candidates for President are:

Hendrick Bilek

Jacob Grover

Samantha Dienst

The candidates for Vice President are:

Kimberly Hunt

Sydney Wolfson

The candidates for Treasurer:

Nicole LaRose

Sawyer Hill

Allisa Cafro

Sydney Kern

The candidate for Secretary is:

Molly Bushey

On November 3rd the winners will be announced. Stay tuned for an update.

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