The science department has a student teacher who will leave an impression on her students for many years. Mrs. Gutierrez, Human Physiology student teacher, came to RHAM in order to get a better look at the teaching lifestyle and to experience what a real classroom was like. While here, she taught science classes including College Prep Biology, Human Physiology and Anatomy. She especially got to know the students in period 6 Human Phys quite well with an experiment that no other teacher had ever attempted. From the start, Mrs. Gutierrez had an idea in mind for her sixth period students. She called them her guinea pigs and wanted to create the perfect lab practical. A lab practical is what Human Physiology students take as sort of a hands-on test. Mrs. G and Mr Moshier agreed from the start that they wanted it to be kept a secret and surprise the students. It consisted of a Forensic Science scavenger hunt in which students investigated different crime scenes and gathered clues as to who the murderer was. What was interesting, was that Mrs. Gutierrez made the students badges as if they were actual CSI agents and she used the school as a simulation of the heart! The atrium was the Aorta, (main part) and all of the hallways and such acted as veins. Her kids found this really different but the most interesting part was when students performed the lab practical, there were many pieces of evidence throughout the test indicating who the murderer was. In the end, Senior Derek B. was in fact the culprit. He was guilty of "murdering" another student in the class, Rachel. A trooper from the school came in and "arrested" Derek yet he had a smile on his face because he knew it was all in good fun. The students and Mrs. G had a great time with the practical and the semester was a very fun time for both. She says she will miss teaching the kids but quotes that she "never says goodbye". She believes she will be back very soon to visit and who knows? She could possibly have a job here at RHAM in the near future. Mrs. Gutierrez is being published in an educational magazine called NSTA. The National Science Teachers Association for her outstanding work and creativity! This could be a job opening opportunity for Mrs. G. Nonetheless, this was an excellent time for her and students do hope that they see her face around very soon.
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