I have always had a crippling fear of haunted houses. The mere mention of these attractions has sent a shiver down my spine throughout my childhood. However the Dark Manor haunted house in Norwich CT changed my perception of what I had previously seen as an immature, cheap scare.
I was genuinely scared in the first 10 minutes of the tour, which I can credit to the incredibly detailed set. The house itself was filled to capacity with actors and props, meticulously decorated to enhance the experience. There were no transitional periods to ruin the illusion like you would normally find in a less thorough haunted house. The tour consisted of two floors and a large outdoor area, the entire experience lasting around 15 minutes. Considering that there is never a stationary moment and that the entire house is made into different sets, was very impressive.
The part of the house that I enjoyed the most was that it did not scare me the entire time, I actually enjoyed the experience as opposed to being uncomfortable or nauseated. While certain parts of the tour are more disturbing then others, the entire experience was so legitimate that you couldn't help but enjoy being shocked by the well planned surprises around every corner. Suffice to say this does not mean that the attraction isn't frightening, and I would advise against taking young children, but if you know what you're in for and you'd like a well planned haunted house experience look no further.
Here is a link to their official website including directions and photo previews.
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