On Friday evening, the Marlborough Congregational Church hosted its second annual Acoustic Cafe. The event raises money for local food banks and people attending are encouraged to donate money or charitable food items to the church for food donations. The act was put on by all ages ranging from middle school to the college years. The Star Spangled Banner was the opening for the evening, performed by three middle school girls, two singers and one floutist. The Cafe included songs such as "Swing Life Away" by Rise Against, and multiple Taylor Swift songs, "Your Face" and "Tim McGraw". Fellow RHAM students sang and played guitar as well, covering songs like "Under the Bridge" by Red Hot Chili Peppers and "The General" by Dispatch. Matt Smigel and Xander Kousen, two members of a local RHAM band, The Tension, performed "Break the Cycle" and "Streaming" for the audience to sing along to. Mike Wood performed two of his own songs "Wooden Stakes" and "Leaders of the Future". The night even included some acapella. The song "Big Yellow Taxi", released by Joni Mitchell, was sung by a young boy named Bryce who gained support from the audience when they began to clap to the beat of the song. The band Naked Sunday, which is composed of Billy Yeterian, Jimmy Norton and Chris Yeterian (Cam D'auria not present), also played the evening with original songs "Hero" and a jam from the song "Set Me Free." The Acoustic Cafe was fairly successful in raising money for charities and held a raffle to win pumpkins that were at the church. All in all, the event was not only charitable, but provided entertainment for many ranges of ages.
Picture source: http://kpri.platformicstaging.com/images/32564.jpg
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