Sunday, September 7, 2008

Portfolios Now A Requirement

This year at RHAM High School, Portfolios will now be a graduation requirement for the Classes of 2010 and later. In years past, it was an option to present a portfolio because if a person didn't pass the CAPT(the Connecticut Academic Performance Test) which is taken in 10th grade, they would have to present their portfolio to a group of teachers and they would grade it. Portfolios are also really important because they will help on college applications. Mr. Wilson, Assistant Principal of RHAM High School, said," Portfolios are a way students can do portfolios as part of the college application process." Portfolios can also show who a person is. For example, if a persons likes English, they can put a lot of English papers in their portfolio. "Portfolios show who you are. Colleges want to know who you are and portfolios help in the process," said Mr. Mueller, Assistant Principal at RHAM High School.

Portfolios are now a graduation requirement. Students in 2010 or later cannot graduate high school without one. The good news is, students will get one credit for completing the portfolio. For more information, contact Mrs. Lawson.


Ms. B said...

What are the options if a studfent doesn't want to do a portfolio?
Ms. B

Hillary said...

It isn't a choice, students have to make a portfolio. It is a requirement to graduate from RHAM.

RHAM News said...

In your story you say, "According to Mr. Wilson there are other options if you don't have a portfolio," but in your latest comment you say there is no choice. This is unclear. Please check further into this and post an update to your article letting us know whether there is another option or not. Thanks.

Mariah L. said...

I think portfolios are a bad idea. They force you to do it and I don't think they reflect you well.