Monday, September 8, 2008

Summer Break-ins At RHAM High School

During the weekend of July 4th, three adolescents broke into RHAM High School. They entered five different times at various intervals over the course of the weekend. At the time, custodians were in the process of cleaning the school, and left many science classroom doors unlocked.
According to the school principal, Mr. Leslie, the juveniles stole personal belongings like money and a camera. They damaged a door to gain entry to the building, destroyed locks on cabinets, attempted to start fires, urinated on carpets, and broke many pieces of glassware in numerous classrooms.
The vandals were charged with multiple charges, possibly breaking and entering, theft, and vandalism. The official charges the adolescents were indicted with is unknown. Original estimates put the damages at an approximate amount of 8,000 dollars, but after further investigation and discovery of many more damaged items, the new estimate is at a whopping 20,000 dollars.

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