Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sophomore wins Poetry Contest for Eli Wiesel's "Night"

Recently, Mrs. Coffey's sophomore classes finished reading the famous tale of Eli Wiesel and his experience through the Holocaust in the novel, "Night." At the close of the book, Mrs. Coffey asked her students to read his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. They were given the option of writing a poem to reflect on what they thought of the book. Out of the 85 students in the Sophomore class, 20 poems were submitted. Mrs. Coffey then posted the poems for students to see and had two voting rounds to determine whose showed the most understanding and creativity. Theresa Kowal and Nick Growalski were the two first place winners of the contest. Mrs. Coffey explains that her intention of the poetry contest was to create social awareness among the student body and convey a message to the faculty and alumni. This has certainly inspired kids to form their own opinions on certain ideas and express their thoughts vividly on paper.

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